IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group


Formed in 2012, the IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi) stands as a global volunteer network established by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). It's a joint venture with the Species Survival Commission (SSC) and the Commission on Environmental, Economic, and Social Policy (CEESP).




The IUCN Sustainable Use and Livelihoods Specialist Group (SULi) brings together expertise from the realms of science, policy, and practice. SULi's mission is to confront the pressing challenges posed by the overexploitation of wild species while fostering equitable and resilient models of sustainable use that align with human needs and priorities.


Since its formation in 2012, SULi has garnered widespread recognition for its authoritative contributions to critical conservation matters. With a focus on addressing contentious issues such as illegal wildlife trade and hunting, SULi has established itself as an influential and credible voice within the global conservation community.

For nature, for people: building global understanding on sustainable use of wildlife.

SULi's mission acknowledges that the attainment of sustainable use, intricately linked to the wellbeing of local communities, demands insights that extend beyond the conventional boundaries of conservation biology. This encompasses domains such as governance, social sciences, economics, and political ecology. In recognition of this multidimensional perspective, SULi forges connections among an exceptionally diverse spectrum of technical knowledge, spanning these areas and bridging the gaps between science, policy, and practical implementation.

By collaborating with partners at all levels, SULi ensures a comprehensive approach to sustainable use. Drawing upon a wealth of expertise, SULi fosters a holistic understanding of the complex interactions that shape the delicate balance between human needs and ecological preservation.

Cape Leopard Trust helps to ensure the long-term survival of leopard populations in Western Cape, South Africa by promoting peaceful coexistence and the protection of landscapes, empowered by scientific research, positive community partnerships, education and advocacy.

Their mission is to use research as a tool for conservation, finding solutions for human-wildlife conflict and inspiring interest in the environment through a dynamic environmental education programme.

Cape Leopard Trust

Jamma has been working together with Ten for Zen’s founders to develop a programme plan of new resources to provide free, easy-to-access information to help people across the UK live a more mindful life. Jamma’s mission is to develop a Life Skills programme and to ensure that these skills can be part of anyone’s daily self-care, building resilience and improving mental health and wellbeing.

In partnership with Ten for Zen we have built a plan to deliver an extensive array of tools to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of understanding how your mind works.

Ten for Zen


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