How We Work


We tackle some of the planet’s most complex challenges with courage and integrity. We are invested in a responsible approach which echoes sustainability but goes beyond it to add value for the planet and its people.





Creating an
Impact Ecosystem

At Jamma, we believe in building knowledge and capacity in people to enhance the common good. We strive to connect individuals, communities, and organisations to work together on a much larger scale to achieve greater impact. As an organisation, we strive to hold to the important qualities we value, and look for those in our partners. These are the pillars on which we build the foundation of joint success, measured in the wellbeing of the planet and its people.

These are the qualities we hold to and look for in our partners. Click on each term to find out more about what these mean to us.

Our Qualities

Meaningful Partnerships Clear Strategic Vision Operational Excellence Scalability Innovation Building Capacity Impact Responsible Approach Measurability Adaptive Management

Meaningful Partnerships

At Jamma, we want to establish meaningful partnerships that encapsulate our values.

Clear Strategic Vision

We like clear strategic vision, that guides our common goals on an inspired path to outcomes and impacts.

Operational Excellence

We strive for operational excellence; the ability to run and manage operations efficiently and competently, while aspiring to a standard of excellence that ensures a return on investment.


We are intrigued by scalability. We are passionate about projects, models and tools that can be shared and used to create impact at scale.


We are in awe of innovation. We want our partners to think and create outside the box, not to be bound by fear of the limitations or the complexity and size of the challenge.

Building Capacity

We are passionate about building capacity. We are interested in projects that create knowledge and build capacity in people that leads to real change and increased well being.


We are focussed on impacts, which, simply put, means we are most interested in how our investment of time, effort and resources delivers results.

Responsible Approach

We are invested in a responsible approach, which echoes sustainability but goes beyond it. We want to be part of projects and initiatives that have real resilience and adaptability. Projects that go beyond ‘no harm’ and add to the wellbeing of the planet and its people.


We endeavour to create positive value for the world and demand measurability for our own actions and actions taken by those working with us.

Adaptive Management

We follow adaptive management processes, continually improving our practices by learning from outcomes.

An Era of Impact


