Khomani San School


When the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park was created during the 1930s, the livelihoods and freedom of movement of some of South Africa’s last remaining first peoples, the Khomani San, were curtailed. The new park was fenced in and the inhabitants driven away from their ancestral land. Wildlife was better cared for than people.

Khomani San Bushmen School



In 1999, the Khomani San community was given ownership of a number of farms outside the small settlement Andriesvale where most of them lived at the time. They also secured access and use rights to some areas inside what is now the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park. Jamma works with this neglected community to run their own primary school preparing children for life in a diverse school environment while ensuring that traditional knowledge and skills are transferred to the younger generations, enabling the way of life for the Khomani San to continue to develop in today's demanding society.

The holistic Khomani San school programme aims to integrate an up to date curriculum with traditional knowledge to give these children the very best of both and provide them with the life skills and cultural dignity they have missed for so long. 

In an early intervention, Jamma assisted the Khomani San to stock up one of their farms, the 5,000-hectare Erin, with wildlife and turn it into a successful commercial game harvesting business. 

Uplifting communities and providing cultural dignity for future generations.

Gemsbok Kalahari Khomani San

The Khomani San are one of the last remaining groups of the indigenous San people of South Africa. During the creation of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, much of their movement as hunter-gatherers on their traditional land was curtailed and many members of the community were dispersed. In 1995, the Khomani San lodged a claim for the restitution of their ancestral land, and in 1999, they were granted ownership over a number of farms nearby the settlement of Andriesvale and adjacent to the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park.

Establishing a junior school where children can receive culturally sensitive good education will enable them to enter senior school equipped to succeed.

“We aim to provide an accessible, culturally sensitive primary school education to the Khomani San children. By integrating an up to date curriculum with traditional knowledge, we help to uplift the community by empowering future generations.” - Claire Barry, Khomani San School Programme

RETURNAfrica operates a safari lodge and two trail camps in Pafuri located in the most northern part of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. After having been driven away from the area at gunpoint in the 1960s the Makuleke people do now, as a result of the South African land restitution process, own the land with freehold title.

Despite this, they continue to live in three villages some 60 km away from Parfuri. Through RETURNAfrica Jamma funds a Drop-in Centre in each village where disadvantaged children can go after school to get a cooked meal and be assisted with their homework. These centres cater for approximately 450 children each day.

Return Africa

In Sub-Saharan Africa, conservation is morally contested. This project explores some of the most important and contentious issues around conservation and sustainable use that are affecting people in Sub-Saharan Africa, where there appear to be major rifts between local and external moral worldviews. Jamma International is supporting this project in collaboration with the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and WWF Germany. The focus of this project is primarily on conservation areas in sub-Saharan Africa.

Morally Contested Conservation


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