Dr. Moreangels Mbizah's
Conservation Journey

Jamma News & Insights

Jamma International is excited to present a video of Dr. Moreangels Mbizah's conservation journey created as part of Resource Africa's 'Let Africans Decide' series.

Dr. Moreangels Mbizah was born and raised in Zimbabwe, has a DPhil in Zoology from the University of Oxford, and is part of the Community Leaders Network. She is also the founder of Wildlife Conservation Action, an organisation promoting human-wildlife coexistence and socio-economic development of communities living adjacent to wildlife areas in Zimbabwe.  

The video below describes Dr. Mbizah's wildlife conservation journey and her passion in working towards 'the best conservation strategies that will protect wildlife and improve community livelihoods'. She emphasises that communities have the right to manage their own resources sustainably, so that they can benefit alongside wildlife. 

Lion Cubs Zimbabwe
Moreangels Zimbabwe Community
Jamma fully agrees with Greenpeace’s mission to promote change that will create a healthier planet for future generations. Last month, we started supporting Greenpeace’s ‘Protect the Oceans’ campaign, which is dedicated to addressing the significant threats facing our oceans, including climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and mining.
Press Release

Jamma’s Support of Greenpeace

Joseph Goergen recently attended the 9th Powering African Summit in Washington DC. Read on to discover his insights and reflections on the conference and it’s pivotal discussions.

Joe at the 9th Powering Africa Summit

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