Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma Project

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals.

Surrey Community Foundation


The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) in bringing local donors together with those who are providing solutions to challenges in local communities. Grants are directed towards tackling and solving identified needs, with the funding allowing promising ideas to transform into successful realities. CFS has awarded over £15 million across Surrey to promising community initiatives in the last fifteen years.

A personalised approach to local philanthropy.

Surrey Community Foundation
Surrey Community Foundation Doctor

The CFS funds hundreds of community groups every year, working in partnership with donors to fund a variety of themes. These themes include mental ill-health, training and employment, sports, the arts, youths, and the environment.

“We must work together to ensure we can continue to support our vulnerable residents” - Laura Thurlow, CEO

“Our vision is to build a strong movement of local philanthropists, connecting them with local charitable organisations to ensure that every individual in Surrey has hope.” – Community Foundation for Surrey

RETURNAfrica operates a safari lodge and two trail camps in Pafuri located in the most northern part of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. After having been driven away from the area at gunpoint in the 1960s the Makuleke people do now, as a result of the South African land restitution process, own the land with freehold title.

Despite this, they continue to live in three villages some 60 km away from Parfuri. Through RETURNAfrica Jamma funds a Drop-in Centre in each village where disadvantaged children can go after school to get a cooked meal and be assisted with their homework. These centres cater for approximately 450 children each day.

Return Africa

The vision of Jamma International is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing. We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works. If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour. The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the Brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed brain science way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in todays life.

Life Skills


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