London Interdisciplinary School


Jamma is supporting the London Interdisciplinary School to build the UK’s most progressive new university, with a modern education designed to tackle the world’s many complex problems.




The problems facing humanity are more complex, interconnected and urgent than ever before. The modern workplace needs people who can tackle these kinds of issues and make a real impact on the world. The current university system can’t evolve quickly enough, so we need a new solution.

At Jamma we welcome those who take an innovative approach to the world’s most pressing issues. The London Interdisciplinary School is a very unique way of providing education and connects bright minds with real world issues. The London Interdisciplinary School launches in 2021 and is supported by some of the UK’s top intellectuals, industry experts, government and corporations who clearly see the need for this type of further education in our society.

Teaching students the knowledge and skills to create the change they want to see.

The London Interdisciplinary School places a premium on teaching. They have brought together a diverse and outstanding group of educationalists, with a team that includes philosophers, epidemiologists, artists, journalists, behavioural scientists and mathematicians as well as professionals and entrepreneurs. The sharing of mental models from across the boundaries of expertise will create new and relevant modes of understanding and experiencing the world.

“We don't know what the world of work will look like in 2050 but we do know that we will need brilliant problem-solvers who can tackle these issues in new ways.” - The London Interdisciplinary School

“At LIS we are founding an entire university based on interdisciplinary and non-disciplinary principles - the first of its kind in the UK” - Professor Carl Gombrich, Academic Lead at Head of Teaching and Learning at the London Interdisciplinary School

The Khomani San are one of the last remaining groups of the indigenous people of South Africa. Jamma works with this neglected community to run their own primary school preparing the children for life in the nearest state school while ensuring that traditional knowledge and skills are transferred to the younger generations, enabling the San way of life to continue to develop.

Khomani San School

RETURNAfrica operates a safari lodge and two trail camps in Pafuri located in the most northern part of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. After having been driven away from the area at gunpoint in the 1960s the Makuleke people do now, as a result of the South African land restitution process, own the land with freehold title.

Despite this, they continue to live in three villages some 60 km away from Parfuri. Through RETURNAfrica Jamma funds a Drop-in Centre in each village where disadvantaged children can go after school to get a cooked meal and be assisted with their homework. These centres cater for approximately 450 children each day.

Return Africa


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