Morally Contested


In Sub-Saharan Africa, conservation is morally contested. This project explores some of the most important and contentious issues around conservation and sustainable use that are affecting people in Sub-Saharan Africa, where there appear to be major rifts between local and external moral worldviews.




Jamma International is supporting this project in collaboration with the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and WWF Germany. The focus of this project is primarily on conservation areas in sub-Saharan Africa.

The project combines on-the-ground fieldwork with large online studies to measure attitudes, beliefs, and policy preferences of people living in sub-Saharan Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. To ensure that the project serves the interest of sub-Saharan Africa communities, the project is guided by a steering group comprising African community representatives such as academics, representatives from civil society organisations, and local community leaders. This steering group helps us identify key morally contested issues affecting people in sub-Saharan Africa.

Crucially including rural Africans, to better inform conservation and development policies in sub-Saharan Africa and internationally.

This project seeks to respond to a wide range of conservation questions which remain globally contested.
• Who gets to make decisions over the sub-Saharan African wildlife and the people?
• What should successful conservation look like?
• Whose interests should take priority?
• How much harm should rural Africans bear in protecting wild animals and their habitats?
• Are local people part of the problem or part of the solution?
• Is it acceptable to remove people from their land to create space for wildlife?
• Which are more important, the rights of local people or the rights of individual animals?

Recently, there have been concerns that the global West are dominating debates around these questions and are influencing conservation decisions and policies that affect sub-Saharan African people who bear the costs of living alongside wildlife.

“We aim to directly and clearly communicate the findings of this project to the people whose decisions will influence the future of conservation in sub-Saharan Africa, through publications in peer-reviewed academic journals and articles”

“How local, national, regional, and international decision-makers answer the questions of this project will determine the future for wildlife in sub-Saharan Africa and the lives of millions of people in the region.”

The Wellness Society was founded in 2017 with Jamma’s support to provide access to high quality self-help, therapy, and coaching tools designed for individuals and practitioners.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise to bridge the gap for people who are unable to get the right help through mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

The Wellness Society

Jamma is supporting the London Interdisciplinary School to build the UK’s most progressive new university, with a modern education approach designed to train minds to tackle the world’s most complex problems and make real impact.

The London Interdisciplinary School launches in 2021 and is supported by some of the UK’s top intellectuals, industry experts, government and corporations who clearly see the need for this type of further education in our society.

London Interdisciplinary School


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