Cape Leopard Trust


Ensuring the long-term survival of Cape leopard populations by promoting peaceful coexistence and the protection of landscapes, empowered by scientific research, positive community partnerships, education and advocacy.




The Cape Leopard Trust is an active predator conservation working group, established in 2004 and the leading authority on leopard conservation in Western Cape, South Africa. Its mission is to use research as a tool for conservation, finding solutions to human-wildlife conflict and inspiring interest in the environment through an interactive and dynamic environmental education programme.

Their holistic approach to leopard conservation combines impact-driven research, applied conservation, community engagement and environmental education to protect leopards and the landscapes they depend on, as well as advocating for the protection of broader biodiversity and uplifting and capacitating local communities.

Conserving the Cape leopard in a changing landscape.

Current objectives for the Cape Leopard Trust are to collate and consolidate all existing leopard data from across the Western Cape Province. This will be used to identify knowledge gaps, inform further field studies, and direct conservation efforts. Conservation efforts focus on quantifying and addressing identified threats to leopards, such as human-wildlife conflict and prey-based depletion through illegal snaring. Equally as important as scientific research is education and social development. The Cape Leopard Trust Environmental Education Programme was established in 2009 with the aim of providing children and adults with quality experiences that teach them more about the wilderness and themselves.

Educating and empowering local people, young and old, to think differently about protecting natural resources by connecting them with nature and instilling an attitude of reverence, wonder and respect for leopards and the environment.

“Over the last fifteen years the Cape Leopard Trust has had the privilege of working in one of the biodiversity hotspots of the world. We have built strong, meaningful relationships, and as we plan our road map for the future, our goal is to forge new partnerships that will enable us to amplify our efforts.”
The Cape Leopard Trust



Sustainable Development Goals

RETURNAfrica operates a safari lodge and two trail camps in Pafuri located in the most northern part of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. After having been driven away from the area at gunpoint in the 1960s the Makuleke people do now, as a result of the South African land restitution process, own the land with freehold title.

Despite this, they continue to live in three villages some 60 km away from Parfuri. Through RETURNAfrica Jamma funds a Drop-in Centre in each village where disadvantaged children can go after school to get a cooked meal and be assisted with their homework. These centres cater for approximately 450 children each day.

Return Africa

The Photography Foundation creates pathways to professional photography for less advantaged young adults in London by offering education, work experience and routes to a career in the creative industries. It’s a simple philosophy with a lasting impact for good.

Jamma is proud to support the Shoreditch-based organisation to help make society a little more equal for tomorrow’s creative visionaries. Through training programmes and community outreach, they remove barriers to entry and open up photography careers, welcoming in the next generation of diverse creative talent.

The Photography Foundation


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