The Wellness Society


How do you ensure high quality self-help tools promoting good mental health get to the individuals who need them the most? The Wellness Society aims to deliver easy access to high quality self-help, therapy and coaching resources to individuals and practitioners.




Jamma's support for The Wellness Society began at the launch stages in 2017 when founder Rebecca Marks established an online platform with the purpose of making self-help and mental health resources and tools available to a wider audience.

The wellbeing of communities and individuals across the planet is something that we here at Jamma feel very strongly about. Life is complex, and we all have many more challenges to deal with in today’s fast-paced world. What if there was a fast, straightforward and easy way to access tools and resources to help us cope with our responses to the pressures of modern life?

High quality self-help tools, available to all.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise that sets out to bridge the gap for people who find long-term private therapy unaffordable yet are reluctant or unable to get help from overstretched mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

“Fortunately research shows that self-help tools are often enough for people to overcome mild to moderate mental health difficulties without professional support.” - The Wellness Society

The Wellness Society’s mission to make self-help resources easily accessible to individuals and practitioners was something that resonated strongly with Jamma International, and we were pleased to support this project through its launch stages.

In Sub-Saharan Africa, conservation is morally contested. This project explores some of the most important and contentious issues around conservation and sustainable use that are affecting people in Sub-Saharan Africa, where there appear to be major rifts between local and external moral worldviews. Jamma International is supporting this project in collaboration with the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and WWF Germany. The focus of this project is primarily on conservation areas in sub-Saharan Africa.

Morally Contested Conservation

Jamma has been working together with Ten for Zen’s founders to develop a programme plan of new resources to provide free, easy-to-access information to help people across the UK live a more mindful life. Jamma’s mission is to develop a Life Skills programme and to ensure that these skills can be part of anyone’s daily self-care, building resilience and improving mental health and wellbeing.

In partnership with Ten for Zen we have built a plan to deliver an extensive array of tools to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of understanding how your mind works.

Ten for Zen


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