Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma Project

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals.

Surrey Community Foundation


The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) in bringing local donors together with those who are providing solutions to challenges in local communities. Grants are directed towards tackling and solving identified needs, with the funding allowing promising ideas to transform into successful realities. CFS has awarded over £15 million across Surrey to promising community initiatives in the last fifteen years.

A personalised approach to local philanthropy.

Surrey Community Foundation
Surrey Community Foundation Doctor

The CFS funds hundreds of community groups every year, working in partnership with donors to fund a variety of themes. These themes include mental ill-health, training and employment, sports, the arts, youths, and the environment.

“We must work together to ensure we can continue to support our vulnerable residents” - Laura Thurlow, CEO

“Our vision is to build a strong movement of local philanthropists, connecting them with local charitable organisations to ensure that every individual in Surrey has hope.” – Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma is supporting the London Interdisciplinary School to build the UK’s most progressive new university, with a modern education approach designed to train minds to tackle the world’s most complex problems and make real impact.

The London Interdisciplinary School launches in 2021 and is supported by some of the UK’s top intellectuals, industry experts, government and corporations who clearly see the need for this type of further education in our society.

London Interdisciplinary School

In Sub-Saharan Africa, conservation is morally contested. This project explores some of the most important and contentious issues around conservation and sustainable use that are affecting people in Sub-Saharan Africa, where there appear to be major rifts between local and external moral worldviews. Jamma International is supporting this project in collaboration with the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and WWF Germany. The focus of this project is primarily on conservation areas in sub-Saharan Africa.

Morally Contested Conservation


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