Baynards Zambia Trust


Through its community partnerships, Baynards Zambia Trust (BZT) puts in place initiatives that help communities to develop by promoting financial literacy and inclusion, increasing food security and improving levels of nutrition plus mitigating the effects of climate change.




At Jamma, we work with communities across the world to strengthen the ties of shared identity and build meaningful frameworks of trust. We are delighted to be continuing to support Baynards Zambia Trust with their work to improve the lives and livelihoods of rural communities in Zambia.  

Baynards Zambia Trust (BZT) was founded in 1997 and supports interventions to help isolated Zambian communities become self-sufficient. Their current initiatives include providing solar power for schools, creating digital hubs for young people and putting in place technology to help farmers move beyond subsistence farming to sustainable futures.

Helping communities connect, build sustainable capacity and thrive

BZT works with the Zambian Rainbow Development Foundation, a national non-governmental organisation. Together, they support holistic interventions which span improving access to education, HIV and AIDS programmes, village banks, sustainable agriculture and community capacity building. Higher income from farming and village banks for these communities enable more children to stay at school for longer, while crop diversification among other things helps to support nutrition for those suffering from AIDS. All their interventions have direct community involvement and are designed to become self-supporting.

At Jamma, we are proud to support projects that deliver on their promises to empower communities, build sustainable capacity and focus on positive outcomes.

Jamma has supported BZT for over 10 years, and we are proud to be continuing to support this focused and driven organisation. We value long term relationships with projects that align with our values and return real, measurable benefits to the communities they support.

Jamma is supporting the London Interdisciplinary School to build the UK’s most progressive new university, with a modern education approach designed to train minds to tackle the world’s most complex problems and make real impact.

The London Interdisciplinary School launches in 2021 and is supported by some of the UK’s top intellectuals, industry experts, government and corporations who clearly see the need for this type of further education in our society.

London Interdisciplinary School

Elephants Alive has been studying and researching African elephant populations since 2003, and delivers research solutions, advocacy and education to promote harmonious coexistence between elephants and people.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports this committed non-profit organisation in its goal to develop and grow our understanding of elephant ecology. Their important research contributes towards the long-term survival of the African elephant and thereby maintaining the vital biodiversity of large parts of rural Africa.

Elephants Alive


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