Globally, people across all regions, including Indigenous Peoples and local communities, rely on wild species for cultural, livelihood, and recreational purposes. However, overexploitation is causing declines in various taxa and regions – from fish to fungi, large mammals to medicinal plants, timber species to tortoises. The drivers stem from complex factors like institutions, economics, and culture. This project mobilises global expertise in science, policy, and practice to tackle overexploitation challenges, fostering sustainable use models that meet human needs while preserving species.
The problems facing humanity are more complex, interconnected and urgent than ever before. The modern workplace needs people who can tackle these kinds of issues and make a real impact on the world. The current university system can’t evolve quickly enough, so we need a new solution.
At Jamma we welcome those who take an innovative approach to the world’s most pressing issues. The London Interdisciplinary School is a very unique way of providing education and connects bright minds with real world issues. The London Interdisciplinary School launches in 2021 and is supported by some of the UK’s top intellectuals, industry experts, government and corporations who clearly see the need for this type of further education in our society.