
‘Brain Smart’ Book Now Out!


'Brain Smart' Book
Now Available

News and Insights

We are thrilled to share the exciting news that Agneta, our Director of Mental Wellbeing at Jamma, has recently released her debut book titled "Brain Smart."

Agneta's passion is to design life skills programmes to build capacity and resilience in people where everyone, regardless of their financial circumstances, can learn to improve their wellbeing. 

"Brain Smart" delves into the inner workings of the brain, offering invaluable insights and practical strategies to enhance mental wellbeing. Unlike traditional therapy approaches, this book serves as an educational tool, empowering readers to understand how their brain shapes thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. This 'Brain Smart' programme is being used by mental health charities and has become part of some school's curricula. It is also being developed for prisons.

Available on Kindle or as a paperback via Amazon, "Brain Smart" provides straightforward exercises and clear explanations, making it accessible to individuals from all walks of life.

so embark on a journey of self-discovery and mental empowerment with "Brain Smart" today. Your feedback is invaluable to us, so please consider leaving a review after reading!

Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. Here at Jamma, we clearly see the link between the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of our planet
Press Release

Mental Health Awareness Week

This years theme is anxiety. Anxiety is a common mental health challenge affecting countless individuals. It can manifest in various ways, from persistent worry and excessive fear to physical symptoms like racing heart and shortness of breath. At Jamma we believe it is essential to recognise that anxiety is not a weakness or something that can be easily brushed off. By raising awareness about anxiety, we can help reduce stigma and create a supportive environment where those affected feel comfortable seeking help and support.
Press Release

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023


Mental Health Awareness Week 2023


Mental Health
Awareness Week

Our Brain Smart training, led by former prisoners, empowers individuals by teaching them how the brain works and how to turn negative situations into positive ones through practice and understanding. The impact has been incredible! With overwhelming positive feedback and fantastic engagement in prisons, we're excited to announce that over 150 Mental Health Ambassadors have joined our cause through this training. Together, we're changing lives and making a difference!

News & Insights

This week is 2023's Mental Health Awareness Week, with anxiety as the theme. One of our incredible projects is our partnership with Unlock My Life, which was launched in 2022. Together, we have been working hard to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health in prisons across the UK and ensure access to vital support.

At Jamma, we are deeply dedicated to empowering individuals and communities, and that includes fostering a culture of mental health care. Our commitment to this cause has given us invaluable insights into the significance of recognising and addressing mental health challenges.

Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. Here at Jamma, we clearly see the link between the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of our planet
Press Release

Mental Health Awareness Week

We are excited to announce that Agneta, director of Mental Wellbeing at Jamma has published her first book, ‘Brain Smart’!

‘Brain Smart’ Book Now Out!


Life Skills

Life Skills

Life Skills

Jamma International's vision is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, and we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing.

Hands with Sun Mental Wellbeing

Agneta Johansson, the Director of Wellbeing at Jamma International, has a vision to design and deliver Life Skills programmes to build capacity and resilience in both organisations and individuals.

Our initial project is 'The Brain, How it Creates our Reality and Our Behaviour', exploring how we become more resilient in every day life.

We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works.  If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour.

The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed scientific way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in today's world. 

Our project will be a new approach to mental health. This knowledge about brain function and some basic skills on managing our tricky brain will be a foundation to manage our life in a more constructive day-to-day way.

It is in the brain that our lives are played out and where all our perception from the world is coming from. It is therefore very important to understand how the brain works, what is causing our mental struggle and how to take control.


We believe that when we understand how the brain influences our behaviour and why we sometimes feel the way we do, we can begin to take control and manage our emotions  to improve our thoughts and feelings. 

Walk in woods mental wellbeing
Brain Neuron Connections Mental Wellbeing

Jamma has identified partners to develop this Life Skills training with, partners who have the same values as Jamma and a passion to deliver this knowledge to the widest possible audience to make the biggest impact.

Mental Health Innovations (MHI) is a charity that uses digital innovation, data-driven analysis and the experience of clinical experts to improve the mental health of the UK population through the provision of digital tools, support and resources.

Laptop at desk

Training For Life is a not-for-profit training company focusing on courses in mental health. All the profits are donated to the charity Student Life. Student Life, a registered charity, supports young people’s mental health across the South East of England.

Woman doing yoga in park

Training for Life with Student Life have created a bespoke training package about Mental Health and Wellbeing, to be delivered as part of the RSHE curriculum for students in years 10 and 11.  The course consists of six sessions. The first four sessions cover mental health: what mental health is, the mental health continuum, depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders and the support we can get around these. Session five is a Coronavirus awareness session about remaining safe and responsible even as restrictions in the UK ease. Our final session will be a session about brain functioning, which has been developed using Jamma's Life Skills manual. The aim of this session is to increase understanding of brain processing, including the threat response, and explore how this understanding can be used to improve an individuals wellbeing.

Jamma chose to partner with Training for Life and Student Life as they share our vision to work in partnership with their audience.  The Life Skills programme will be designed and develop with the young people who will receive the training, they will ensure that the knowledge and skills are presented in a way that uses language and examples that are relevant to their age group.

This training will be piloted in August 2021 and deliver the full training in schools from September 2021. 

We share the vision to make the Life Skills programmes available to the widest possible audience, and following the delivery of the project in schools, we will work with Training for Life to develop this Life Skills programme into a training package for children, young people in other age groups and adults. 

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals. The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Community Foundation for Surrey

The vision of Jamma International is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing. We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works. If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour. The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the Brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed brain science way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in todays life.

Life Skills


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Mental Health Awareness Week


Mental Health
Awareness Week

News & Insights

This week is 2021's Mental Health Awareness Week, with connecting to nature as the theme.

"Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. For most of human history, we lived as part of nature. It is only in the last five generations that so many of us have lived and worked in a context that is largely separated from nature. And it is only since a 1960s study in the US found that patients who were treated in hospitals with a view of nature recovered faster, that science has started to unpack the extraordinary health benefits." - Mental Health Foundation

Here at Jamma, we clearly see the link between the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of our planet. We have supported and worked in many partnerships with mental wellbeing organisations to ensure people have the rights to secure their own mental and physical wellbeing.

Mental health with leaf
Woman doing yoga in park
We are excited to announce that Agneta, director of Mental Wellbeing at Jamma has published her first book, ‘Brain Smart’!

‘Brain Smart’ Book Now Out!

This years theme is anxiety. Anxiety is a common mental health challenge affecting countless individuals. It can manifest in various ways, from persistent worry and excessive fear to physical symptoms like racing heart and shortness of breath. At Jamma we believe it is essential to recognise that anxiety is not a weakness or something that can be easily brushed off. By raising awareness about anxiety, we can help reduce stigma and create a supportive environment where those affected feel comfortable seeking help and support.
Press Release

Mental Health Awareness Week 2023

Surrey Community Foundation

Community Foundation for Surrey

Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma Project

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals.

Surrey Community Foundation


The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) in bringing local donors together with those who are providing solutions to challenges in local communities. Grants are directed towards tackling and solving identified needs, with the funding allowing promising ideas to transform into successful realities. CFS has awarded over £15 million across Surrey to promising community initiatives in the last fifteen years.

A personalised approach to local philanthropy.

Surrey Community Foundation
Surrey Community Foundation Doctor

The CFS funds hundreds of community groups every year, working in partnership with donors to fund a variety of themes. These themes include mental ill-health, training and employment, sports, the arts, youths, and the environment.

“We must work together to ensure we can continue to support our vulnerable residents” - Laura Thurlow, CEO

“Our vision is to build a strong movement of local philanthropists, connecting them with local charitable organisations to ensure that every individual in Surrey has hope.” – Community Foundation for Surrey

Surrey-based Oakleaf Enterprise was founded to improve the lives of people suffering with mental health and help them return to work. Through free skills training, counselling and support, this charity works closely with individuals with mental ill-health to foster confidence, reduce social isolation and build positive futures with the help of new skills and qualifications.

Oakleaf Enterprise empowers hundreds of individuals each year to create better futures for themselves, and was named ‘Charity of the Year’ at Surrey’s Business Awards 2019.

Oakleaf Enterprise

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals. The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Community Foundation for Surrey


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The Wellness Society

The Wellness Society


How do you ensure high quality self-help tools promoting good mental health get to the individuals who need them the most? The Wellness Society aims to deliver easy access to high quality self-help, therapy and coaching resources to individuals and practitioners.




Jamma's support for The Wellness Society began at the launch stages in 2017 when founder Rebecca Marks established an online platform with the purpose of making self-help and mental health resources and tools available to a wider audience.

The wellbeing of communities and individuals across the planet is something that we here at Jamma feel very strongly about. Life is complex, and we all have many more challenges to deal with in today’s fast-paced world. What if there was a fast, straightforward and easy way to access tools and resources to help us cope with our responses to the pressures of modern life?

High quality self-help tools, available to all.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise that sets out to bridge the gap for people who find long-term private therapy unaffordable yet are reluctant or unable to get help from overstretched mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

“Fortunately research shows that self-help tools are often enough for people to overcome mild to moderate mental health difficulties without professional support.” - The Wellness Society

The Wellness Society’s mission to make self-help resources easily accessible to individuals and practitioners was something that resonated strongly with Jamma International, and we were pleased to support this project through its launch stages.

The Wellness Society was founded in 2017 with Jamma’s support to provide access to high quality self-help, therapy, and coaching tools designed for individuals and practitioners.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise to bridge the gap for people who are unable to get the right help through mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

The Wellness Society

The vision of Jamma International is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing. We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works. If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour. The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the Brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed brain science way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in todays life.

Life Skills


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Oakleaf Enterprise

Oakleaf Enterprise

Jamma Project

Surrey-based Oakleaf Enterprise was founded to improve the lives of people managing mental ill-health and help them return to work. Through free skills training, counselling and support, this charity works closely with individuals with mental ill-health to foster confidence, reduce social isolation and build positive futures with the help of new skills and qualifications.

Pink Photo Quote Women's Day Instagram Post

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At Jamma, we believe that everyone should have access to the support networks and skills that help to secure their own positive and rewarding futures. We are proud to be supporting the work of Oakleaf Enterprise to help their clients with the skills, training and confidence to manage their mental health and return to work.

The wellbeing of communities is something that is extremely important to us at Jamma. With Oakleaf Enterprise, we were able to support mental health within our home county of Surrey. At Jamma, we look for forward-thinking organisations who bring an innovative mindset to the issues they face. For more than 25 years - long before mental health was so widely understood - Oakleaf has been focused on supporting some of the most vulnerable adults in the Surrey community to find a road to recovery from mental illness.

Working tirelessly to transform futures for adults and young people.

At Jamma, we believe in seeding growth and supporting change in the organisations we partner with. Through our funding, we were able to support a Fundraising and Partnerships position for Oakleaf Enterprise, enabling the organisation to move forward and generate momentum with their work with communities and supporters.

The Jamma-funded Fundraising and Partnerships position has resulted in an increase of publicity, support and funding for the organisation. It has also led to the strengthening of relationships between corporate and community groups and doubling the income of previous years while growing the positive reputation of the charity.

We are proud to support the forward-thinking work of Oakleaf Enterprise and work with them to develop their expertise with new partnerships, generating momentum during challenging times. They pride themselves in restoring confidence and a sense of purpose for their clients within our home county. 

The Wellness Society was founded in 2017 with Jamma’s support to provide access to high quality self-help, therapy, and coaching tools designed for individuals and practitioners.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise to bridge the gap for people who are unable to get the right help through mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

The Wellness Society

Surrey-based Oakleaf Enterprise was founded to improve the lives of people suffering with mental health and help them return to work. Through free skills training, counselling and support, this charity works closely with individuals with mental ill-health to foster confidence, reduce social isolation and build positive futures with the help of new skills and qualifications.

Oakleaf Enterprise empowers hundreds of individuals each year to create better futures for themselves, and was named ‘Charity of the Year’ at Surrey’s Business Awards 2019.

Oakleaf Enterprise


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Ten for Zen

Ten for Zen


Ten for Zen’s mission is to make the UK a centre of excellence for living a mindful life, and improving the wellbeing of people of all ages and backgrounds.




Jamma has been working together with Martin Stepek, co-founder of Ten for Zen to develop a delivery plan. Jamma's vision is to provide a programme of Life Skills to provide knowledge, tools, and support to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of living a mindful life through an understanding of basic brain science and the skills needed to understand the mind.  

The founders of Ten for Zen are experts in delivering authentic and life changing mindfulness tuition and have guided thousands towards a mindful life. We are delighted to have been working with Ten for Zen and benefitted from their experience. 

Raising national awareness of living a mindful life as a positive choice.

Working in partnership with Ten for Zen, Jamma has been developing a plan to deliver a programme of Life Skills to enable individuals of any age and background to gain an understanding of life skills and with this knowledge, move towards the life they want to live.

At Jamma, our philosophy is to amplify the positive impacts of projects through partnership. Ten for Zen’s aim is to make living a mindful life accessible for all, and reinforces our commitment to wellbeing.

“Working together with Jamma International, we aim to make the UK a centre of excellence in the delivery of tools to help people live a mindful life, and also share this experience internationally.” Ten for Zen

Jamma has been working together with Ten for Zen’s founders to develop a programme plan of new resources to provide free, easy-to-access information to help people across the UK live a more mindful life. Jamma’s mission is to develop a Life Skills programme and to ensure that these skills can be part of anyone’s daily self-care, building resilience and improving mental health and wellbeing.

In partnership with Ten for Zen we have built a plan to deliver an extensive array of tools to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of understanding how your mind works.

Ten for Zen

The Wellness Society was founded in 2017 with Jamma’s support to provide access to high quality self-help, therapy, and coaching tools designed for individuals and practitioners.

The Wellness Society is a social enterprise to bridge the gap for people who are unable to get the right help through mental health services. By providing a range of targeted self-help tools and resources for individuals, coaches and private practitioners, The Wellness Society delivers accessible, affordable support to manage mental health difficulties, anxiety and stress.

The Wellness Society


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