Why Question Mark Represents Confusion Questions And Aim

Morally Contested Conservation

Morally Contested


In Sub-Saharan Africa, conservation is morally contested. This project explores some of the most important and contentious issues around conservation and sustainable use that are affecting people in Sub-Saharan Africa, where there appear to be major rifts between local and external moral worldviews.




Jamma International is supporting this project in collaboration with the University of Oxford, Cornell University, and WWF Germany. The focus of this project is primarily on conservation areas in sub-Saharan Africa.

The project combines on-the-ground fieldwork with large online studies to measure attitudes, beliefs, and policy preferences of people living in sub-Saharan Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. To ensure that the project serves the interest of sub-Saharan Africa communities, the project is guided by a steering group comprising African community representatives such as academics, representatives from civil society organisations, and local community leaders. This steering group helps us identify key morally contested issues affecting people in sub-Saharan Africa.

Crucially including rural Africans, to better inform conservation and development policies in sub-Saharan Africa and internationally.

This project seeks to respond to a wide range of conservation questions which remain globally contested.
• Who gets to make decisions over the sub-Saharan African wildlife and the people?
• What should successful conservation look like?
• Whose interests should take priority?
• How much harm should rural Africans bear in protecting wild animals and their habitats?
• Are local people part of the problem or part of the solution?
• Is it acceptable to remove people from their land to create space for wildlife?
• Which are more important, the rights of local people or the rights of individual animals?

Recently, there have been concerns that the global West are dominating debates around these questions and are influencing conservation decisions and policies that affect sub-Saharan African people who bear the costs of living alongside wildlife.

“We aim to directly and clearly communicate the findings of this project to the people whose decisions will influence the future of conservation in sub-Saharan Africa, through publications in peer-reviewed academic journals and articles”

“How local, national, regional, and international decision-makers answer the questions of this project will determine the future for wildlife in sub-Saharan Africa and the lives of millions of people in the region.”

African Parks is a non-profit conservation organisation that manages 19 national parks and protected areas covering over 14.2 million hectares in Angola, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Jamma International is proud to be supporting African Parks with their sustainable approach to wildlife conservation, economic development and poverty alleviation to ensure that each park is ecologically, socially, and financially sustainable in the long-term.

African Parks

Jamma has been working together with Ten for Zen’s founders to develop a programme plan of new resources to provide free, easy-to-access information to help people across the UK live a more mindful life. Jamma’s mission is to develop a Life Skills programme and to ensure that these skills can be part of anyone’s daily self-care, building resilience and improving mental health and wellbeing.

In partnership with Ten for Zen we have built a plan to deliver an extensive array of tools to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of understanding how your mind works.

Ten for Zen


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Greenpeace is a movement of people passionate about achieving their vision of a greener, healthier planet. By lobbying, campaigning, and educating the public, Greenpeace helps enact real change on a global scale.




Jamma fully supports the Greenpeace mission to promote change that will create a healthier planet for future generations. Our funding is supporting Greenpeace’s ‘Protect the Oceans’ campaign, which is dedicated to addressing the significant threats facing our oceans, including climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and mining.

The Global Ocean Treaty, currently in negotiation at the United Nations, has the potential to create ocean sanctuaries that will protect at least 30% of our seas by 2030. Greenpeace is helping to bolster the positions of world leaders championing for the Global Ocean Treaty, as well as engaging potential new champions. A global network of ocean sanctuaries is a crucial step in protecting large parts of the ocean from destructive industries, especially in largely unregulated international waters. 

Giving a voice to communities fighting for ocean protection.

Greenpeace endeavours to expose the actions of those damaging the ocean and champion science-backed solutions. Destructive fishing techniques are responsible for extensive damage to marine ecosystems and wildlife. A proposal from some world leaders to exclude fisheries from the Global Ocean Treaty threatens to maintain a status quo that is unsustainable in the long term.

“Our mission is to promote radical changes and new solutions to the ways we live on this planet so that we can all call it home for generations to come.”

“Protecting these natural wonders is simply the right thing to do. But this isn’t just about conscience. It’s about survival.” Greenpeace International

Elephants Alive has been studying and researching African elephant populations since 2003, and delivers research solutions, advocacy and education to promote harmonious coexistence between elephants and people.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports this committed non-profit organisation in its goal to develop and grow our understanding of elephant ecology. Their important research contributes towards the long-term survival of the African elephant and thereby maintaining the vital biodiversity of large parts of rural Africa.

Elephants Alive

The vision of Jamma International is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing. We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works. If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour. The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the Brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed brain science way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in todays life.

Life Skills


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Life Skills

Life Skills

Life Skills

Jamma International's vision is the wellbeing of the planet and its people, and we feel passionate about supporting projects that will empower people to improve their wellbeing.

Hands with Sun Mental Wellbeing

Agneta Johansson, the Director of Wellbeing at Jamma International, has a vision to design and deliver Life Skills programmes to build capacity and resilience in both organisations and individuals.

Our initial project is 'The Brain, How it Creates our Reality and Our Behaviour', exploring how we become more resilient in every day life.

We know how to take care of our body but we know very little about how our brain works.  If you understand how the brain works, you have the ability to change your behaviour.

The first project in Life Skills being developed will focus on the brain, how it creates our reality and affects our behaviour. Not in a detailed scientific way, but in a way that can help us understand how little the brain has changed since cave men and how this can cause a lot of suffering in today's world. 

Our project will be a new approach to mental health. This knowledge about brain function and some basic skills on managing our tricky brain will be a foundation to manage our life in a more constructive day-to-day way.

It is in the brain that our lives are played out and where all our perception from the world is coming from. It is therefore very important to understand how the brain works, what is causing our mental struggle and how to take control.


We believe that when we understand how the brain influences our behaviour and why we sometimes feel the way we do, we can begin to take control and manage our emotions  to improve our thoughts and feelings. 

Walk in woods mental wellbeing
Brain Neuron Connections Mental Wellbeing

Jamma has identified partners to develop this Life Skills training with, partners who have the same values as Jamma and a passion to deliver this knowledge to the widest possible audience to make the biggest impact.

Mental Health Innovations (MHI) is a charity that uses digital innovation, data-driven analysis and the experience of clinical experts to improve the mental health of the UK population through the provision of digital tools, support and resources.

Laptop at desk

Training For Life is a not-for-profit training company focusing on courses in mental health. All the profits are donated to the charity Student Life. Student Life, a registered charity, supports young people’s mental health across the South East of England.

Woman doing yoga in park

Training for Life with Student Life have created a bespoke training package about Mental Health and Wellbeing, to be delivered as part of the RSHE curriculum for students in years 10 and 11.  The course consists of six sessions. The first four sessions cover mental health: what mental health is, the mental health continuum, depression, anxiety, self-harm, eating disorders and the support we can get around these. Session five is a Coronavirus awareness session about remaining safe and responsible even as restrictions in the UK ease. Our final session will be a session about brain functioning, which has been developed using Jamma's Life Skills manual. The aim of this session is to increase understanding of brain processing, including the threat response, and explore how this understanding can be used to improve an individuals wellbeing.

Jamma chose to partner with Training for Life and Student Life as they share our vision to work in partnership with their audience.  The Life Skills programme will be designed and develop with the young people who will receive the training, they will ensure that the knowledge and skills are presented in a way that uses language and examples that are relevant to their age group.

This training will be piloted in August 2021 and deliver the full training in schools from September 2021. 

We share the vision to make the Life Skills programmes available to the widest possible audience, and following the delivery of the project in schools, we will work with Training for Life to develop this Life Skills programme into a training package for children, young people in other age groups and adults. 

African Parks is a non-profit conservation organisation that manages 19 national parks and protected areas covering over 14.2 million hectares in Angola, Benin, Central African Republic, Chad, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Malawi, Mozambique, the Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Jamma International is proud to be supporting African Parks with their sustainable approach to wildlife conservation, economic development and poverty alleviation to ensure that each park is ecologically, socially, and financially sustainable in the long-term.

African Parks

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals. The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Community Foundation for Surrey


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Mental Health Awareness Week


Mental Health
Awareness Week

News & Insights

This week is 2021's Mental Health Awareness Week, with connecting to nature as the theme.

"Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. For most of human history, we lived as part of nature. It is only in the last five generations that so many of us have lived and worked in a context that is largely separated from nature. And it is only since a 1960s study in the US found that patients who were treated in hospitals with a view of nature recovered faster, that science has started to unpack the extraordinary health benefits." - Mental Health Foundation

Here at Jamma, we clearly see the link between the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of our planet. We have supported and worked in many partnerships with mental wellbeing organisations to ensure people have the rights to secure their own mental and physical wellbeing.

Mental health with leaf
Woman doing yoga in park
We are excited to announce that Agneta, director of Mental Wellbeing at Jamma has published her first book, ‘Brain Smart’!

‘Brain Smart’ Book Now Out!

Jamma International is recruiting for an exciting new role of a legal assistant intern based in Cape Town. If you possess a profound passion for conservation, indigenous rights, and legal research, we invite you to join our dedicated team. By taking on this role, you will play a vital part in supporting our ongoing projects and contributing to our impactful initiatives.

Jamma Legal Assistant Internship: Closed for Application

Indian Ocean Fishing Boat

Jamma’s Support of Greenpeace


Jamma's Support
of Greenpeace


Greenpeace is a movement of people passionate about achieving their vision of a greener, healthier planet. By lobbying, campaigning, and educating the public, Greenpeace helps enact real change on a global scale.

Jamma fully agrees with Greenpeace's mission to promote change that will create a healthier planet for future generations. Last month, we started supporting Greenpeace’s ‘Protect the Oceans’ campaign, which is dedicated to addressing the significant threats facing our oceans, including climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and mining.

The Global Ocean Treaty, currently in negotiation at the United Nations, has the potential to create ocean sanctuaries that will protect at least 30% of our seas by 2030. Greenpeace is helping to bolster the positions of world leaders championing for the Global Ocean Treaty, as well as engaging potential new champions. A global network of ocean sanctuaries is a crucial step in protecting large parts of the ocean from destructive industries, especially in largely unregulated international waters. 

Greenpeace ship
tuna fish
Joseph Goergen recently attended the 9th Powering African Summit in Washington DC. Read on to discover his insights and reflections on the conference and it’s pivotal discussions.

Joe at the 9th Powering Africa Summit

Joe Goergen and Lesle Jansen from the Jamma Team passionately discuss the sustainable use of wildlife as an Indigenous Peoples’ Rights issue in an article published by Cultural Survival.

Cultural Survival Publication

Surrey Community Foundation

Community Foundation for Surrey

Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma Project

The Community Foundation for Surrey is a movement connecting local philanthropists with charitable organisations that help change the lives of disadvantaged individuals.

Surrey Community Foundation


The Community Foundation movement is based on the concept of “local help for local needs”, and highlights empowering and inspiring charities or groups to donors looking to support organisations in their area.

Jamma wholeheartedly supports the Community Foundation for Surrey (CFS) in bringing local donors together with those who are providing solutions to challenges in local communities. Grants are directed towards tackling and solving identified needs, with the funding allowing promising ideas to transform into successful realities. CFS has awarded over £15 million across Surrey to promising community initiatives in the last fifteen years.

A personalised approach to local philanthropy.

Surrey Community Foundation
Surrey Community Foundation Doctor

The CFS funds hundreds of community groups every year, working in partnership with donors to fund a variety of themes. These themes include mental ill-health, training and employment, sports, the arts, youths, and the environment.

“We must work together to ensure we can continue to support our vulnerable residents” - Laura Thurlow, CEO

“Our vision is to build a strong movement of local philanthropists, connecting them with local charitable organisations to ensure that every individual in Surrey has hope.” – Community Foundation for Surrey

Jamma has been working together with Ten for Zen’s founders to develop a programme plan of new resources to provide free, easy-to-access information to help people across the UK live a more mindful life. Jamma’s mission is to develop a Life Skills programme and to ensure that these skills can be part of anyone’s daily self-care, building resilience and improving mental health and wellbeing.

In partnership with Ten for Zen we have built a plan to deliver an extensive array of tools to enable anyone, anywhere to experience the positive benefits of understanding how your mind works.

Ten for Zen

Jamma are proud to be continuing to support Baynards Zambia Trust with their work to improve the lives and livelihoods of people in rural communities in Zambia.

Through its partnership with the Zambian Rainbow Development Foundation, Baynards Zambia Trust puts in place initiatives that help communities develop, promote financial literacy and inclusion, improve food security and nutrition plus mitigate the effects of climate change.

Baynards Zambia Trust


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Discovery Day 2 LIS

The London Interdiscplinary School’s 2020 Summary


The London Interdisciplinary
School's 2020 Summary

LIS IN 2020

The London Interdisciplinary School (LIS) reflects on how they adapted to Covid-19 in 2020, and how they are entering 2021 strongly.

By taking advantage of the school's nimble and resilient structure, LIS was able to adapt to 2020's numerous challenges. With their own degree awarding powers for the first undergraduate course of 100 students, LIS has secured a world-class teaching faculty and created a new curriculum focused on solving the problems of today. LIS has also been able to reach 4,483 students through digital and physical school visits, webinars, Discover Days, and mentoring which are being logged on their new digital platform called the Learning Hub. 

Discovery Day 4 LIS
LIS Carl Gombrich - Discovery Day
The London Interdisciplinary School continues to be more relevant than ever, with it’s agile and resilient structure helping to adapt to Covid-19.
Press Release

The London Interdiscplinary School’s 2020 Summary

Nature is so central to our psychological and emotional health, that it’s almost impossible to realise good mental health for all without a greater connection to the natural world. Here at Jamma, we clearly see the link between the wellbeing of people and the wellbeing of our planet
Press Release

Mental Health Awareness Week

Transformational Business Network - Inoculating Child at OliveLink, Nairobi

Transformational Business Network

Business Network

Transformational Business Network - A nurse inoculates a child at the Olive Health Care Centre


Transformational Business Network (TBN) works with driven entrepreneurs and investors seeking to create long-term, meaningful impact within their communities. By shifting the development mindset from aid to enterprise, TBN has been able to create over 1,500 jobs and unlock more than £55 million in investment finance.

Transformational Business Network - Imani Academies School



Jamma supports Transformational Business Network's (TBN) vision of helping entrepreneurs build impactful businesses and unlock financing. By providing training in key areas such as marketing and financial skills, TBN helps create jobs, relieve poverty, and improve livelihoods in East Africa.

Entrepreneurs can face significant obstacles in creating a successful business; limited access to finance and a lack of business skills or suitable mentors being examples. By advocating with governments and international donors on behalf of entrepreneurs, building business capacity, and connecting purpose-driven enterprises with early-stage finance, TBN provides key support to businesses seeking positive change within their communities.    

Working with entrepreneurs and investors to challenge the status quo.

Transformational Business Network Entrepreneurs Networking
Transformational Business Network - Josephine Suleyman talks to a mother outside her Olive Health Care Centre, Sinai slum, Nairobi, Kenya

TBN organises summits and alumni events to foster learning, discussion, and connections between entrepreneurs, local and international investors, and NGOs from around the world. Small and medium sized African businesses are given the opportunity to connect with the right investors and take full advantage of their long-term potential.

“We believe in the potential of entrepreneurs to lead with integrity, to scale their businesses exponentially and to create jobs and prosperity for all.” - TBN

“Young African social entrepreneurs are setting out to change the world, make a profit and, in the process, inspire other young people to take the future into their own hands.” - Reuben Coulter, TBN

RETURNAfrica operates a safari lodge and two trail camps in Pafuri located in the most northern part of the Kruger National Park, South Africa. After having been driven away from the area at gunpoint in the 1960s the Makuleke people do now, as a result of the South African land restitution process, own the land with freehold title.

Despite this, they continue to live in three villages some 60 km away from Parfuri. Through RETURNAfrica Jamma funds a Drop-in Centre in each village where disadvantaged children can go after school to get a cooked meal and be assisted with their homework. These centres cater for approximately 450 children each day.

Return Africa

Greenpeace is a movement of people passionate about achieving their vision of a greener, healthier planet. By lobbying, campaigning, and educating the public, Greenpeace helps enact real change on a global scale. Jamma fully supports the Greenpeace mission to promote change that will create a healthier planet for future generations. Our funding is supporting Greenpeace’s ‘Protect the Oceans’ campaign, which is dedicated to addressing the significant threats facing our oceans, including climate change, overfishing, plastic pollution, and mining.



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